Journal of Linguistics, Culture and Communication
The peer-reviewed Indonesian Journal of Linguistics, Culture, and Communication publishes high-quality original research focusing on publishing articles that contribute to the ongoing discussion in all areas of the study of Linguistics, Culture, and Communication. The Journal of Linguistics, Culture, and Communication is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes theoretically essential topics in linguistics, culture, and communication research. It offers a venue for researchers dedicated to systematic and thorough study from various theoretical backgrounds and areas of interest. All theoretical frameworks can contribute but should be directed to a broad audience. To make their work accessible to scholars from various fields, they should be clear about their assumptions and discovery processes and give enough academic background.
List of Papers (Total 22)Monika Rosalia Subrata, Jumanto Jumanto, Subtitling Strategies Used in Translating Cultural Words in The Subtitle of Disney Animation Movie: Coco , Journal of Linguistics, Culture and Communication: Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Linguistics, Culture, and Communication https://doi.org/10.61320/jolcc.v1i1.1-25 | ||||
Muhammad Ali Shahid , Anser Mahmood, Syeda Iqra Shabbir, Habib Ullah Habib , A Study of Abrar-ul- Haq's Punjabi Bhangra Songs in Pragmatics , Journal of Linguistics, Culture and Communication: Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Linguistics, Culture, and Communication https://doi.org/10.61320/jolcc.v1i1.26-43 | ||||
Ibrahim Halil Topal, A CEFR-Oriented Probe into Culture: Implications for Language Learners , Journal of Linguistics, Culture and Communication: Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): Journal of Linguistics, Culture, and Communication https://doi.org/10.61320/jolcc.v2i2.163-189 | ||||
Nguyen Thi Dan Tam, Exploring Code-Switching Practices in Vietnamese Classrooms: An Introductory Investigation , Journal of Linguistics, Culture and Communication: Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): Journal of Linguistics, Culture, and Communication https://doi.org/10.61320/jolcc.v2i2.133-148 | ||||
Nissa Anindya, Hiqma Nur Agustina, Asa Wisesa Betari, A Language Style Analysis of Press Release at The Walt Disney Company Website , Journal of Linguistics, Culture and Communication: Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Journal of Linguistics, Culture, and Communication https://doi.org/10.61320/jolcc.v2i1.46-66 | ||||
Dewi Kusumaningsih, Meilisa Nurhana, Sukarno, Eka Susylowati, Strengthening the Concept of Satirical Language through Analyzing the Connotations in the Lyrics of the Song "Cincin" by Hindia , Journal of Linguistics, Culture and Communication: Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Journal of Linguistics, Culture, and Communication https://doi.org/10.61320/jolcc.v2i1.67-88 | ||||
Krismalika Cinta Della Hermaya, Winantu Kurnianingtyas Sri Agung, An Analysis of Representative Acts and Language Functions Represented on Code Mixing and Code Switching Used by Yuvi Phan in Her Instagram Reels , Journal of Linguistics, Culture and Communication: Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Journal of Linguistics, Culture, and Communication https://doi.org/10.61320/jolcc.v1i2.141-161 | ||||
Nur Indah Sulistyowati Lutfiyah, Jumanto Jumanto, Contrastive Analysis Between English Medical Terms with Affixes and Their Indonesian Equivalent in Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary , Journal of Linguistics, Culture and Communication: Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Journal of Linguistics, Culture, and Communication https://doi.org/10.61320/jolcc.v1i2.126-140 | ||||
Yusuf Al Arief , Politeness in Roasting: When Humour Meets Power , Journal of Linguistics, Culture and Communication: Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Linguistics, Culture, and Communication https://doi.org/10.61320/jolcc.v1i1.67-78 | ||||
Refat Ahmed, Exploring The Impact of Stemming on Text Topic-Based Classification Accuracy , Journal of Linguistics, Culture and Communication: Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): Journal of Linguistics, Culture, and Communication https://doi.org/10.61320/jolcc.v2i2.204-224 |
Exploring The Impact of Stemming on Text Topic-Based Classification Accuracy
Text classification attempts to assign written texts to specific group types that share the same linguistic features. One class of features that have been widely employed for a wide range of classification tasks is lexical features. This study explores the impact of stemming on text classification using lexical features. To explore, this study is based on a corpus of thirty texts...
Jun 2024
Ahmed Refat
An Analysis of College Students’ Morphological Error in Translating Recount Text from Indonesia to English Using Surface Strategy Taxonomy
This study aims to determine what morphological level errors appear in college students' translation of recount texts from Indonesian to English based on Dulay's theory of surface strategy taxonomy. Referring on this theory, errors are divided into omission, addition, mis-formation and mis-ordering. This study was conducted in a descriptive qualitative method. The population was...
Jun 2024
Irawansyah Irawansyah, Stefani Inggrit, Imtinan Hana Atikah, et al.
Exploring Code-Switching Practices in Vietnamese Classrooms: An Introductory Investigation
This study delves into the nuanced practice of code-switching (CS) in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms in Vietnam, examining its implications for language learning from both educators' and learners' perspectives. Through a mixed-methods approach, involving surveys and interviews with 225 ESL students and 8 experienced ESL lecturers at a renowned public university in...
Jun 2024
Tam Nguyen Thi Dan
Place Names as Source Material in the Derivation of Selected Yorùbá Riddles: A Sociological Approach
This work examined the place of naming, most especially place name in the derivation of Yoruba riddle known as “àlọ́ àpamọ̀”. The main thrust of this work is to examine and analyse the importance of place names as source material in the derivation of selected Yoruba riddles. The aim of this work is to examine the role place names play in the derivation and construction of...
Jun 2024
Rabiu Ridwan Akinkunmi
A CEFR-Oriented Probe into Culture: Implications for Language Learners
The Common European Framework for Languages (CEFR), adopted by the Council of Europe (2001), is an action-based framework for language education, teaching and assessment in Europe. CEFR's descriptions of language skills across all skill levels can guide language learners, educators, and assessors. Alongside language-related issues, one phenomenon considered highly by the CEFR is...
Jun 2024
Topal Ibrahim Halil
Abstracts Analysis on Student’s Final Project Using CARS Theory
This research aims to describe the moves and steps of the CARS model contained in the final project of Genre Analysis (GA) of English language education for students in Indonesia. This study aims to describe the moves and steps of the Creating a Research Space (CARS) model that is presented in the English-language students' Genre Analysis (GA) theses of several universities in...
Jun 2024
Heru Junanto, Galih Zahrohtul, Daffa Triyawan, et al.
Performing social advocacy: A critical sociolinguistic analysis of selected songs of Beautiful Nubia
This study explores social advocacies in the songs of Segun Akinlolu (aka Beautiful Nubia). The data for the study comprises ten purposively selected songs by the artist. These songs are Seven Lifes, Owuro Lojo (How do you do?), Ma Ba Won So, Baba Mimo, Jangbalajugbu, Ohun Oju Nri, Table Turns, E K'omo L'ede, Small People’s Anthem, and Mind of Your Own. The study blends critical...
Apr 2024
Okesola Saheed Omotayo
Strengthening the Concept of Satirical Language through Analyzing the Connotations in the Lyrics of the Song "Cincin" by Hindia
Innuendo serves to enhance the understanding of the meanings of a song. Hence, this article aims to provide insights into strengthening the concept of satirical language within a song. The research employed a qualitative descriptive approach. The focus was explicitly on the song "Cincin" by Hindia, sourced from a YouTube video. The data consisted of words and sentences found in...
Mar 2024
Dewi Kusumaningsih, Meilisa Nurhana, Sukarno, et al.
A Language Style Analysis of Press Release at The Walt Disney Company Website
This research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the language style employed in press statements issued by the Walt Disney Company, focusing on comprehending how this language style contributes to effective corporate communication. A qualitative descriptive methodology was applied, with the research drawing upon press statements available on Walt Disney's official website...
Mar 2024
Nissa Anindya, Agustina Hiqma Nur, Betari Asa Wisesa
The Analysis of Figurative Language Found in the Prestige Movie
This research is to analyze the figurative language found in the The Prestige movie. In the movie, the use of language is essential as the tool to communicate with each other. About language, figurative language is one kind of language variety. Figurative language dramatically improves the way humans communicate meaning. The analysis and discovery of the figurative language...
Mar 2024
Jasir Al-Faruq, Putra Octa Pratama
Student's Perception of Improving Speaking Skills Through Video Recording Task
Speaking is one of the most important skills to enhance effective communication. The research aimed to find out (1) students' perception of improving speaking skills through video recording tasks and (2) student's feelings when doing video recording tasks. The research was qualitative. The participants were ten students taking part in the Speaking 1 class in the academic year...
Feb 2024
Tukan Fransiska M. Ena
English Foreign Language Teachers’ Perception on The Use of Information and Communication Technology in Teaching English at SMKN 3 Langsa
This study aimed to explore English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers' perceptions of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) use in the English language teaching and learning process. The main purpose of this article is to explore the challenges of teacher face in using ICT. Two experienced teachers, recognized for their ICT integration, selected as the research...
Feb 2024
Nurul Fitri, Nina Afrida, Meutia Cut Intan
An An Analysis of Representative Acts and Language Functions Represented on Code Mixing and Code Switching Used by Yuvi Phan in Her Instagram Reels
The research aims to analyze the types of representative acts and the types of language functions represented in code-mixing and code-switching that appear in Yuvi Phan's Instagram reels. This research was conducted in library research. So, qualitative research was used. The researcher utilized a transcript of Yuvi Phan Instagram reels as the data in this research. Data was...
Oct 2023
Hermaya Krismalika Cinta Della, Agung Winantu Kurnianingtyas Sri
Contrastive Analysis Between English Medical Terms with Affixes and Their Indonesian Equivalent in Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary
Medical terms are language units used to describe medical conditions such as diseases, symptoms, anatomy, and procedures. Medical terms are composed of a combination of affixes and root words. This research focused on contrastive analysis, a study comparing two languages, the source language and their equivalent in the target language. This study aims (1) to find out similarities...
Oct 2023
Lutfiyah Nur Indah Sulistyowati, Jumanto Jumanto
Having Good Moral Values Through "Never Say Never" Song by Justin Bieber
The lyrics emphasize the importance of determination and having a positive mindset to overcome obstacles. This research paper analyzes the moral values present in the song "Never Say Never” by Justin Bieber. The study aims to explore the moral values conveyed in the song lyrics. This research used a qualitative approach to analyze this song lyric. The data was analyzed by...
Oct 2023
Yuli Rohmiyati, Fatihah Nazwa Sabrina, Putri Solihatunnisa
YouTube Transcripts Word Frequency Measure
Many YouTube videos provide written audio transcripts which provide information on the language used on YouTube. One important measure relating to language usage is word frequency. Using student-developed software and libraries in R, Python, and Microsoft Excel, the transcripts of one million YouTube videos from the YouTube-8M data set were scraped and analyzed. The word...
Sep 2023
Smith Vincent, Garrett Michael, Austin Harwood, et al.
An Analysis of Speech Act in the Movie "Turning Red"
A movie consists of a dialogue between its characters. Both the speaker and the listener use many different kinds of utterances. In communication, we use utterances in action, also known as speech actions. This research aimed to determine the types of speech acts performed by the characters and determine the function of the speech acts performed by the characters in Turning Red's...
Sep 2023
Diffani Hasyifa, Adhan Kholis
Cultural and Communication Approaches in the Design of Visual Communication Design Works
This paper discusses culture and communication, which are essential in designing visual communication design works (visual communication design). A student and professional designer with a good understanding of culture and communication can create appropriate and effective designs for the target audience. Designers need to study the target audience's values, norms, Language, and...
Jun 2023
Yudhanto Sigied Himawan, Faizal Risdianto, Artanto Aphief Tri
Politeness in Roasting: When Humour Meets Power
This research examines the use of politeness strategies in stand-up comedy roasts. Specifically, it examines how comedians manage power dynamics and societal standards of politeness while addressing those in authoritative positions in a given society. The author investigated stand-up comedy roasting using Brown and Levinson's politeness theory and prior research on humor and...
Jun 2023
Yusuf Al Arief
Speech Acts in Learning Indonesian Language
This study aims to identify the types and forms of speech acts teachers and students use in learning Indonesian in class VII B of (x) junior high school. This research has a qualitative approach and uses a descriptive method. In data collection activities, researchers act as the primary data collection instrument. The results of this study show that the speech acts of teachers...
Jun 2023
Hidayat Mochamad Noor
A Study of Abrar-ul- Haq's Punjabi Bhangra Songs in Pragmatics
The study of language and culture is known as linguistic anthropology. Etymological human sciences have become an interdisciplinary subject of study by utilizing the theoretical underpinnings of numerous disciplines. The current study investigated Punjabi songs using a qualitative analytical approach. The Relevance Theory of Pragmatics, proposed by Deirdre Wilson and Dan Sperber...
Jun 2023
Shahid Muhammad Ali, Anser Mahmood, Shabbir Syeda Iqra, et al.
Subtitling Strategies Used in Translating Cultural Words in The Subtitle of Disney Animation Movie: Coco
The study aims to identify the subtitling strategies used in translating cultural words in the subtitle of Disney Animation Movie: Coco. This descriptive qualitative study employed the data in words, sentences, and logical arguments related to the topic. The data were English combined with Spanish subtitle as the source language and Indonesian subtitles as the target language...
Jun 2023
Subrata Monika Rosalia, Jumanto Jumanto
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